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Friday, June 4, 2010

Know Your Worth....

People always act like they're doing more for you than you're doing for them.
Ask yourself this question, "Why would they do that?"
Obviously, you bring something to the table for them to even do business with you!

My Favorite...

Man I remember the good old days. Back when your only worries were going to school and playing outside. Now that I'm more mature, reality has taken it's toll on me. On another note, growing up I loved to watch "Football Head" or in other words "Hey Arnold"! I pretty much knew every episode word for word. I was devastated when Hey Arnold was cancelled. Still today I search online for episodes to watch! It's a classic show, it really displayed what it was like being a kid growing up in the neighborhood was like! That why "Hey Arnold" is still, and will always remain my favorite cartoon!
T. Hawkins

Pardon Me...

Excuse my absence for the last couple of days everyone. I haven't been posting like I should've have been. I've had a long week at work, plus I've been trying to get some sleep as well. No worries though Cooleyhygh is back in effect baby!!!
T. Hawkins