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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where did the EDUCATION go?

Have you ever had an conversation when the person who was speaking made no sort of sense? In reference to using words that aren't even relevant to what is being conversed, or even making any logical sense? I understand that everyone isn't as bright as the next person, but instead of making a complete duffer out of ones self take some time to learn something. Everyone is smart in their own opinion, but are you really in the eyes of society? Just something I pondered about for awhile...Knowledge is power though! Live & LEARN!

Just another CooleyHygh day!

St. Louis to Chicago to Columbia to New York & The World

This is my favorite video/song! I can totally relate to this song completely! Love makes people do things they wouldn't do on the regular for a person. Main reason I posted this. Lupe Fiasco is one of the most under-rated MCs in the music industry! He's a hip hop heavy weight if you ask me.