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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A perception of fashion...

I have an mediocre passion for fashion. Just give me a 10 Deep T-shirt, 501s, and a pair of cool sneakers and you could call it a day!
I'm up on fashion just not as hard as some of the people who surround me. No I can't tell you about Maison Martin Margiela or Anna Wintour. I only care about what is relevant for myself and not the next. I don't believe that the more you spend on the fashion you're exhibiting makes you fashionable. Nor does the accessories included. I say it's how you wear something that makes you fashionable, fresh, fly, or whatever it is you call it. People worry so much about what the next trend is, that everyone forgets to be true to their on sense of fashion.

A perception of fashion.....

T. Hawkins.

1 comment:

  1. YES! I LOVE THIS! I AGREE!!! It's not what u wear, it's how u wear it cuz i'll take some $20 Forever 21 jeans & put the lady next to me to shame with her True Religions on, lol...Don't get me wrong I too wear designer but I know how to dumb it down too, I just don't like when ppl are so concerned with who made ur clothes...I had a relative say you look cute, what kind of jeans are those, wth! Who does that??? I rock what I think other ppl don't like just so I can hear what do u have on, because that means they aren't confident enough to do it but they like it on me, lol...I'm normal when it comes to fashion but sometimes I do things different, I like to be set apart from the world instead of fitting in with everyone...Make my own trends, I don't make it a habit to follow others!
